alameda county court case lookup
Alameda Superior Court - Online Records Search. For information about the Superior Court of Alameda County’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page. Box 12801, Warrenville, IL 60555 | Phone: 1+630.447.9002 |, © Copyright 2017 - | Address: P.O. Individual superior courts offer their own online California court case lookup, including San Diego, San Francisco court records, and Orange County. In 2015, 754 inmates were tranferred out of the county jail for long-term incarceration. Superior Court of California, County of Yolo. In December 2016, the county had a reported unemployement rate of 3.9% (the county employed 10293 people in 2015). Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Address: P.O. Another 10205.25 county inmates were placed on felony probation. If cookies are not enabled, enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh/reload the page. On this site, you can look up Unlimited/Limited Civil, Family Law, Probate, and Small Claims cases by case number or by case name for cases filed from 1987 to present. Portal Registration Guide - Authorized Users Only. The Superior Court of California, County of Alameda is not responsible for consequential use of website errors. Your browser is currently set to block cookies. v. Alameda County … CIVIL CASE JACKET PUBLIC ACCESS Disclaimer Certain records may not be available for public inspection in accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey or court order. The Los Angeles Superior Court does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by Google™ Translate or any other translation system. Your browser must allow cookies before you can use this application. Case Query Search Civil Cases by case number or by last name, first name. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Data is current as of 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time on the preceding business day. A recent census estimate indicates that there are approximately 1638215 residents in the county. Use the asterisk before and/or after your search entry to broaden the search results: *Doe, Jane* OR *16-CR-000123* Click here to search the Odyssey Calendar. Portal User Guide . To continue using this site, you must have cookies enabled. Please retype the characters below * Captcha Code. In no event shall the Napa Superior Court be liable for any damages, of any nature whatsoever, arising out of the use of or the inability to use this internet service. Originally formed from Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties, Alameda County makes up 738 square miles of California territory (with 3978.73 miles of public roadway). Public Notice . It is understood to homeowners and legal representatives throughout Maryland as simply, Case Browse. Buy Credits 0 Credit(s) Checkout (0 item(s)) DomainWeb; How This Site Works; FAQ; Log In. ALAMEDA COUNTY INFORMATION: If the Court has assigned your case to a Civil Direct Calendar Department, then you can get information about the department in the Notice of Assignment or by going to the "Direct Calendar Dept" tab on DomainWeb. The county court complex is located in the county seat city of Oakland. Tip: Your OC Pay number can be found in Case Access using your case/citation number. Type the record number in the search criteria field. Use California court case search and lookup tools to find your case information online. Jurors: If you received a jury summons to report for jury service between November 30, 2020 – January 29, 2021, you DO NOT need to appear. Get your OC Pay Number thru Case Name Search. Failure to appear for a court date could result in a bench warrant being issued … The Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, provides the public with online access to civil case records (documents and information) through DomainWeb. More specifics on the history of case info inputs from each court throughout Maryland can be discovered in the website's commonly asked questions area. Find Your Court Date Search: Note: This site provides access up to 5 days of General Civil, Criminal, Traffic, Family Law, and Probate calendars. Court Name: BERKELEY COURTHOUSE - 01420 - OBSOLETE EAST COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE FREMONT HALL OF JUSTICE GALE/SCHENONE HALL OF JUSTICE GEM (ALAMEDA) - 01410 - OBSOLETE HAYWARD HALL OF JUSTICE JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER ODYSSEY CRIMINAL MANAGER ODYSSEY PRE-FILE MANAGER RENE C. DAVIDSON ALAMEDA COUNTY COURTHOUSE WILEY W. MANUEL … Every effort is made to keep this information accurate. Alameda County, California is an urban county established in 1853. CIRCUIT COURT CASE LOOKUP . To learn how to allow cookies, see online help in your web browser. Questions / Comments 1106 Madison Street Oakland, CA 94607 local:1-510-272-6362 toll free:1-888-280-7708 . Search Tip: The asterisks (*) functions as a wildcard. We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on a rolling basis. ... 04/17/2020 - PRESS RELEASE re Superior Court of Alameda County offers relief to litigants in traffic cases, and provides alternatives to litigants in time-not-waived traffic trials. Each time a new version is released, we begin supporting that version and stop supporting the third most recent version. Alameda County does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information translated by Google Translate. To use this application, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then try again. Electronic access to court calendars, indexes, and registers of actions. Free access to basic case information and scheduled court dates for members of the public and attorneys. Records of Maryland cases went online. Enter your address to search for your current districts, and to see how they may have changed as a result of redistricting. 57620 property-related crimes were also reported the same year. The county was named after the oak trees that were once abundant in the region (alameda is Spanish for “avenue shaded by trees” or “cottonwood grove”). At its Board meetings on August 6, 2020, September 3, 2020, October 1, 2020, and November 5, 2020, the SBCERA Board of Retirement adopted resolutions 2020-5, 2020-6, 2020-8, and 2020-9, respectively, to address the California Supreme Court’s decision issued on Thursday, July 30, 2020 in the case known as Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association et al. With UniCourt, you can access cases online in Hayward Hall Of Justice, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access Alameda County Superior Courts - Hayward Hall Of Justice cases with Legal Data APIs. Set your location by clicking on the map below or typing in your address below. Many counties have similar online tools throughout the state, but there are variations. Find your county court case information using the lookup tools provided by Alameda County.Alameda County, California is an urban county established in 1853. jQuery(function(){jQuery("#caseCriteria_JudicialOfficerSearchBy").kendoComboBox({"dataBound":smartSearchObj.ComboBoxInit,"dataSource":[{"Text":"Alexander, Commissioner, Sue","Value":"CSA"},{"Text":"Amin, Temporary Judge, Bhupen","Value":"TJBA"},{"Text":"Amyx, Temporary Judge, Carol","Value":"TJCA"},{"Text":"Appel, Lawrence","Value":"JOLA"},{"Text":"Authority, Administrative","Value":"AA"},{"Text":"Baranco, Gordon","Value":"JOGBA"},{"Text":"Barron, Temporary Judge, George J. Register / Sign In Register; Sign In; Register / Sign In Register; Sign In; Smart Search *Required . Alameda County Districts: Old & New Look Up! These translations should not be considered exact renderings of the original site. All Civil case information available is pursuant to California Rule of Court 2.507. Organizations that depend on old versions of Internet Explorer may want to consider a dual browser strategy. Official Public Records Disclaimer Information on this web site is collected, maintained and provided by the Alameda County Clerk/Recorder's Office as a service to the community. 12/28/20 - The Superior Court of Alameda County will be closed on Friday, January 1, 2021 for New Year's Day. Check to see if the Clerk’s Office is holding an undeliverable child support check for you. (Click Here). Case Browse is not best. In some states (we’ll use Georgia in this example), there are some preliminary filing requirements that must be met before filing, they are: The spouse […]. The county court complex is located in the county seat city of Oakland. Alameda County Court Cases Find your county court case information using the lookup tools provided by Alameda County. Some portions of the site will not be translated at all, which includes but is not limited to buttons, graphics, photos, and video content. The county spent $717265867 on crime-related prevention and protection services attributed to the Sheriff’s office, county jail, and other related services. In 2014, in Alameda County, there were a total of 10356 violent crimes reported. Subject to change as new district boundary changes are updated in the system. ","Value":"TJGJB"},{"Text":"Bartlett, Temporary Judge, Robert","Value":"TJRB"},{"Text":"Bean, Sandra","Value":"JOSB"},{"Text":"Bee, Temporary Judge, Maria","Value":"TJMB"},{"Text":"Bereola, Gail","Value":"JOGB"},{"Text":"Bishay, Michael Commissioner","Value":"CMB"},{"Text":"Blakely, Clifford","Value":"JOCTB"},{"Text":"Blea, Jacob","Value":"JOJB"},{"Text":"Boer, Temporary Judge, Gina","Value":"TJGB"},{"Text":"Bowen, Colin","Value":"JOCBO"},{"Text":"Brand, Jeffrey","Value":"JOJBR"},{"Text":"Bratcher, Temporary Judge, Gerald","Value":"TJGEB"},{"Text":"Brick, Steven","Value":"JOSBR"},{"Text":"Briggs, Kimberly","Value":"JOKB"},{"Text":"Broad, Temporary Judge, Michael","Value":"TJMBR"},{"Text":"Brooks, Temporary Judge, William Mathews","Value":"TJWB"},{"Text":"Brosnahan, Carol","Value":"JOCB"},{"Text":"Brown, Gilbert T.","Value":"JOGTB"},{"Text":"Brown, Temporary Judge, Joanne","Value":"TJJOB"},{"Text":"Buckley, Timothy","Value":"JOTB"},{"Text":"Burgess, Rhonda","Value":"JORB"},{"Text":"Burgess, Temporary Judge, Kim Wollenberg","Value":"TJKB"},{"Text":"Burns, Temporary Judge, William F","Value":"TJWBU"},{"Text":"Burr, Retired Judge, Kenneth M.","Value":"RJOBK"},{"Text":"Byron, Temporary Judge, David J","Value":"TJDB"},{"Text":"Campbell, Temporary Judge, Phillip","Value":"TJPCA"},{"Text":"Carson, Retired Judge, Joseph","Value":"RJJOC"},{"Text":"Cartwright, Retired Judge, Joan","Value":"TJJOC"},{"Text":"Carvill, Wynne","Value":"JOWC"},{"Text":"Castellanos, Cecilia","Value":"JOCC"},{"Text":"Castro, Arturo","Value":"JOARC"},{"Text":"Chase, Temporary Judge, Deborah","Value":"TJDEC"},{"Text":"Chatterjee, Somnath Raj","Value":"JOSC"},{"Text":"Chin, Jason","Value":"JOJCH"},{"Text":"Chin, Temporary Judge, Alice","Value":"TJAC"},{"Text":"Cho, Temporary Judge, Cynthia S","Value":"TJCC"},{"Text":"Clark, Nikki Commissioner","Value":"CNC"},{"Text":"Clarke, J. Frederick, JR","Value":"TJJFC"},{"Text":"Clay, C. Don","Value":"JOCDC"},{"Text":"Clay, Jason","Value":"JOJCL"},{"Text":"Colwell, Kimberly","Value":"JOKC"},{"Text":"Conger, Retired Judge, Julie","Value":"RJJUC"},{"Text":"Couzens, Retired Judge, Richard","Value":"RJRC"},{"Text":"Cramer, James","Value":"JOJC"},{"Text":"Cramer, Temporary Judge, Michael","Value":"TJMC"},{"Text":"Cuellar, Armando","Value":"JOAC"},{"Text":"Culver, Commissioner, Taylor","Value":"CTC"},{"Text":"Davis, Temporary Judge, Cherie T","Value":"TJCD"},{"Text":"Dell\u0027Osso, Temporary Judge, Monica","Value":"TJMD"},{"Text":"Delucchi, Paul","Value":"JOPD"},{"Text":"Desautels, Tara","Value":"JOTD"},{"Text":"Dickinson, Barbara","Value":"JOBD"},{"Text":"Divelbiss, Temporary Judge, Mark J","Value":"TJMDI"},{"Text":"Dorado, Leo","Value":"JOLD"},{"Text":"Elter, Temporary Judge, Jason","Value":"TJJE"},{"Text":"Ercolini, Temporary Judge, Elaine","Value":"TJEE"},{"Text":"Farley, Temporary Judge, Barbara Suzanne","Value":"TJBF"},{"Text":"Field, Temporary Judge, Douglas L","Value":"TJDF"},{"Text":"Fischer, Temporary Judge, David I","Value":"TJDFI"},{"Text":"Fitzpatrick, Temporary Judge, John J, JR","Value":"TJJF"},{"Text":"Flanagan, Tara","Value":"JOTF"},{"Text":"Ford, Temporary Judge, Shane","Value":"TJSF"},{"Text":"Freedman, Robert","Value":"JORF"},{"Text":"Fudenna, Keith","Value":"JOKF"},{"Text":"Fujioka, Margaret","Value":"JOMF"},{"Text":"Gaffey, Michael","Value":"JOMG"},{"Text":"Garcia, Lupe C.","Value":"JOLCG"},{"Text":"Gee, Delbert","Value":"JODG"},{"Text":"Girard, Dawn","Value":"JODGI"},{"Text":"Goodman, Larry","Value":"JOLG"},{"Text":"Goodman, Temporary Judge, Louis J","Value":"TJLG"},{"Text":"Gordon, Temporary Judge, Shelley","Value":"TJSG"},{"Text":"Grillo, Evelio","Value":"JOEG"},{"Text":"Grimmer, Dan","Value":"JODGR"},{"Text":"Gronowski, Temporary Judge, Katy","Value":"TJKG"},{"Text":"Hake, Temporary Judge, Kenneth","Value":"TJKHA"},{"Text":"Haley,Temporary Judge, Catherine","Value":"TJCH"},{"Text":"Hall, Commissioner, Boydine","Value":"CBH"},{"Text":"Hand, Temporary Judge, Margaret","Value":"TJMH"},{"Text":"Harbin-Forte, Brenda","Value":"JOBHF"},{"Text":"Harris, Temporary Judge, Kim","Value":"TJKH"},{"Text":"Hashimoto, Roy","Value":"JORH"},{"Text":"Hayashi, Dennis","Value":"JODH"},{"Text":"Hendrickson, Commissioner, Elizabeth","Value":"CEH"},{"Text":"Herbert, Paul","Value":"JOPH"},{"Text":"Hernandez, George, JR","Value":"JOGH"},{"Text":"Hing, Stuart","Value":"JOSH"},{"Text":"Hockenhull, Tamiza Commissioner","Value":"CTH"},{"Text":"Horner, Jeffrey","Value":"JOJH"},{"Text":"Horton, Temporary Judge, Neil F","Value":"TJNH"},{"Text":"Houghton, Temporary Judge, Stephen F","Value":"TJSTEH"},{"Text":"Howell, Temporary Judge, Laurie","Value":"TJLH"},{"Text":"Hunter, Temporary Judge, David E, III","Value":"TJDH"},{"Text":"Hurley, Joseph","Value":"JOJOH"},{"Text":"Hutcher, Temporary Judge, Susan A","Value":"TJSH"},{"Text":"Hymer, Allan","Value":"JOAH"},{"Text":"Jackson, Scott","Value":"JOSJ"},{"Text":"Jacobs, Harry","Value":"JOHJ"},{"Text":"Jacobson, Morris","Value":"JOMJ"},{"Text":"Jelley, Temporary Judge, Phillip M","Value":"TJPJ"},{"Text":"Johnson, Temporary Judge, Theodore R","Value":"TJTJ"},{"Text":"Jones Dickson, Ursula","Value":"JOUJD"},{"Text":"Jones, Temporary Judge, Tyree P.","Value":"TJTPJ"},{"Text":"Judge, Conversion","Value":"CON"},{"Text":"Judge, Sentencing","Value":"SJ"},{"Text":"Karczewski, Temporary Judge, Gerald","Value":"TJGKA"},{"Text":"Kaus, Stephen","Value":"JOSK"},{"Text":"Keller, Richard","Value":"JORK"},{"Text":"Kernan, Temporary Judge, Brent M","Value":"TJBK"},{"Text":"Kettmann, Visiting Judge, Gerard","Value":"VJGK"},{"Text":"King, Temporary Judge, George","Value":"TJGK"},{"Text":"Kliszewski, Commissioner, Mark","Value":"CMK"},{"Text":"Knudsen, Temporary Judge, Philip H","Value":"TJPK"},{"Text":"Kohn, Temporary Judge, Dorine R","Value":"TJDK"},{"Text":"Kolakowski, Victoria","Value":"JOVK"},{"Text":"Krashna, David","Value":"JODK"},{"Text":"Kurtz, Robert K","Value":"JORIK"},{"Text":"Labowitz, Eric","Value":"JOEL"},{"Text":"LaFollette, Temporary Judge, Gene P","Value":"TJGL"},{"Text":"Lauer, Temporary Judge, Michael","Value":"TJML"},{"Text":"Leal, Temporary Judge, George","Value":"TJGEL"},{"Text":"Lee, Eumi","Value":"JOELEE"},{"Text":"Lee, Jo-Lynne","Value":"JOJL"},{"Text":"Leonard, Temporary Judge, Duane","Value":"TJDL"},{"Text":"Levy, Temporary Judge, Jill","Value":"TJJL"},{"Text":"Lew, Temporary Judge, Susan","Value":"TJSL"},{"Text":"Llamas, Pelayo Commissioner","Value":"CPL"},{"Text":"Lott, Willie, JR","Value":"JOWL"},{"Text":"MacLaren, Ronni","Value":"JORMC"},{"Text":"Madden, Jennifer","Value":"JOJM"},{"Text":"Maltz, Temporary Judge, Robert M","Value":"TJRM"},{"Text":"Markman, Michael","Value":"JOMM"},{"Text":"McCannon, Mark","Value":"JOMMC"},{"Text":"McDeavitt, Temporary Judge, Michael P","Value":"TJMM"},{"Text":"McDougall, Temporary Judge, John","Value":"TJJOM"},{"Text":"McGuiness, Robert","Value":"JORM"},{"Text":"McKinney, Patrick","Value":"JOPM"},{"Text":"McLaughlin, Dennis","Value":"JODM"},{"Text":"McLemore, Temporary Judge, George","Value":"TJGM"},{"Text":"McMorrow, Temporary Judge, John B","Value":"TJJM"},{"Text":"Michaels, Temporary Judge, Sheldon","Value":"TJSM"},{"Text":"Mims-Cochran, Toni","Value":"CTMC"},{"Text":"Mojcher, Temporary Judge, J. Jeffrey","Value":"TJJJM"},{"Text":"Moruza, Christine","Value":"JOCM"},{"Text":"Mrowka, Temporary Judge, Molly J","Value":"TJMMR"},{"Text":"Murphy, Kevin","Value":"JOKM"},{"Text":"Nadler, Visiting Judge, Jerome","Value":"VJJEN"},{"Text":"Nakahara, Vernon","Value":"JOVN"},{"Text":"Newbury, Temporary Judge, Dirck","Value":"TJDN"},{"Text":"Nixon, Thomas","Value":"JOTN"},{"Text":"Northridge, Yolanda","Value":"JOYN"},{"Text":"Olds, Temporary Judge, Hilde","Value":"TJHIO"},{"Text":"Oleon, Temporary Judge, Glenn","Value":"TJGO"},{"Text":"Panetta, Carrie","Value":"JOCP"},{"Text":"Passero, Temporary Judge, Carla","Value":"TJCP"},{"Text":"Patton, Scott","Value":"JOSP"},{"Text":"Petrie, Temporary Judge, Georgia","Value":"TJGP"},{"Text":"Petrou, Ioana","Value":"JOIP"},{"Text":"Picetti, Gary M","Value":"JOGP"},{"Text":"Preddy, Temporary Judge, Daniel E","Value":"TJDP"},{"Text":"Presher, Temporary Judge, Daniel","Value":"TJDPR"},{"Text":"Preville, Temporary Judge, Eileen","Value":"TJEP"},{"Text":"Principato-Phipps, Temporary Judge, Elizabeth","Value":"TJEPP"},{"Text":"Pulido, Stephen","Value":"JOSPU"},{"Text":"Quittman, Temporary Judge, Peter","Value":"TJPQ"},{"Text":"Rasch, Commissioner, Thomas","Value":"CTR"},{"Text":"Rasmussen, Temporary Judge, Jesper I","Value":"TJJR"},{"Text":"Reardon, Thomas","Value":"JOTR"},{"Text":"Reilly, James","Value":"JOJRY"},{"Text":"Reynolds, Temporary Judge, Wendy","Value":"TJWR"},{"Text":"Rhynes, Gloria","Value":"JOGR"},{"Text":"Riles, Temporary Judge, Elizabeth","Value":"TJER"},{"Text":"Robinson, Temporary Judge, Bari S","Value":"TJBR"},{"Text":"Rodrigue, Commissioner, Karen","Value":"CKR"},{"Text":"Rodriguez, Victor","Value":"JOVR"},{"Text":"Roesch, Frank","Value":"JOFR"},{"Text":"Rogers, Thomas","Value":"JOTRO"},{"Text":"Roisman, Temporary Judge, Richard","Value":"TJRR"},{"Text":"Rolefson, Jon","Value":"JOJR"},{"Text":"Rosi, Temporary Judge, Kristin L","Value":"TJKR"},{"Text":"Roush, Temporary Judge, Michael","Value":"TJMR"},{"Text":"Sampogna, Temporary Judge, Chantal M","Value":"TJCS"},{"Text":"Sarkisian, Temporary Judge, Philip","Value":"TJPHS"},{"Text":"Satarzadeh, Commissioner, Bentrish","Value":"CBS"},{"Text":"Saunders, Reginald","Value":"JORS"},{"Text":"Schwartz, Karin S.","Value":"JOKS"},{"Text":"Seabolt, Richard","Value":"JORSE"},{"Text":"Seeman, Paul","Value":"JOPAUS"},{"Text":"Sekany, Amy","Value":"JOASEK"},{"Text":"Seligman, Brad","Value":"JOBS"},{"Text":"Seltzer, Temporary Judge, Eugene","Value":"TJES"},{"Text":"Sherwood, Temporary Judge, Janet G","Value":"TJJS"},{"Text":"Shuken, Temporary Judge, Robert S","Value":"TJRS"},{"Text":"Smiley, Charles","Value":"JOCS"},{"Text":"Smith, Winifred","Value":"JOWS"},{"Text":"Spain, Julia","Value":"JOJS"},{"Text":"Steckler, Andrew","Value":"JOAS"},{"Text":"Stevens, Thomas","Value":"JOTS"},{"Text":"Sundeen, Reuben Commissioner","Value":"CRS"},{"Text":"Surh, Temporary Judge, L. Thomas","Value":"TJLTS"},{"Text":"Syren, Gregory","Value":"JOGS"},{"Text":"Thews, Temporary Judge, Albert W","Value":"TJAT"},{"Text":"Thompson, Trina","Value":"JOTT"},{"Text":"Transferring Court, Judge","Value":"TC"},{"Text":"Trevino, Delia","Value":"JODT"},{"Text":"Tucher, Alison","Value":"JOAT"},{"Text":"Unsworth, Temporary Judge, Douglas A","Value":"TJDU"},{"Text":"Vilardi, Alice","Value":"JOAV"},{"Text":"Wahrhaftig, Temporary Judge, Marc","Value":"TJMW"},{"Text":"Walker, Hugh","Value":"JOHWA"},{"Text":"Walker, Temporary Judge, Gregory D","Value":"TJGW"},{"Text":"Wallace, Temporary Judge, Marshall","Value":"TJMWA"},{"Text":"Weingarten, Temporary Judge, Daniel","Value":"TJDW"},{"Text":"Whitman, Jenna M","Value":"JOJW"},{"Text":"Wise, Noel","Value":"JONW"},{"Text":"Wong-Rolle, Temporary Judge, Jocelyn","Value":"TJJWR"},{"Text":"Wood, Temporary Judge, James M","Value":"TJJWO"},{"Text":"Wood, Temporary Judge, Richard","Value":"TJRW"},{"Text":"Ynostroza, Retired Judge, Carlos","Value":"RJCY"},{"Text":"Zika, Patrick","Value":"JOPZ"}],"dataTextField":"Text","dataValueField":"Value","filter":"contains","placeholder":" * Select a Judicial Officer"});}); Alameda Superior Court - Online Records Search. & Requirements please contact that location then try again s case Management and information.... 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