university of iowa rai score

"Range": { Demonstrated involvement in activities outside of the classroom, which could include community service, and display leadership or potential for future leadership. To be admitted to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you must: If your school does not rank, we will base our admission decision on your GPA, ACT and/or SAT scores, and high school courses.If you are a homeschooled applicant, we will base our admission decision on your GPA, ACT and/or SAT scores, and courses taken.If you took the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), admission requirements are a minimum score of 15 on each of the five subtests (Language Arts – Reading, Language Arts – Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science) and a minimum total score of 75. This is based on the school's average score. "Range": { , of at least 3.33, and meet the high school course requirements.. Engineering high school course requirements include four years of English/language arts; four … parameters: "" , "gpa_scale": { I'm a junior in Massachusetts and will be entering my senior year in a few days. You can also visit our information page for definitions and more details. Use this to calculate your index, which is part of the admission requirements for Iowa high school students applying to Regent Universities. Students from Iowa high schools must have a Regent Admission Index (RAI) score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the University of Iowa. parameters: "" We estimate some students could be accepted with SAT's as low as 1020. Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. ! message: "This value must be greater than 0. } But I will take it again. } For students entering in Fall 2021, you may be admitted to Engineering without a test score. The average SAT score composite at University of Iowa is a 1235 … "act_composite": { "Integer": { 255 RAI Score required for out of state applicants. U of I straddles the Iowa River in Iowa City. The University of Iowa is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 83%. } This temporary waiver of Iowa State’s normal admission requirements has been granted by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. ", "Required": { Applicants who achieve at least a 245 RAI score and who meet the minimum high school course requirements will automatically be offered admission. } Apply to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. message: "This value must be a number. For out-of-staters, it needs to be a 255! "sat_total_score": { ALHS: RAI Core List 2017-2018. } , } 26 percent of applicants submit SAT scores to the school. Known as the RAI, this score is calculated by adding the following: Percentile class rank x 1 ; ACT composite score x 2 ; Cumulative GPA x 20 ; Number of years of high school core courses x 5 . The university is made up of 8 different colleges and has highly-ranked programs in nursing, creative writing, and art. "core_courses": { The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of internati… , parameters: "" , "act_composite": { Iowa high school graduates must achieve a Regent Admission Index (RAI) score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission as freshmen to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. The university has English Proficiency Requirements for applicants whose first language is not English. The University of Iowa is a major research university, but most required CEE classes have fewer than 55 students, and CEE elective classes are often much smaller at almost 25-35 students. "gpa_scale": { message: "This field is required. Average SAT: 1235. message: "The score must be between 0 and 1600. © The University of Iowa 2015. "Number": { } , New U.S. freshmen who would like to apply to more than one of the Iowa Public Universities for the upcoming fall semester can apply through the Iowa Public Universities Application Portal. , parameters: "" "sat_total_score": { parameters: "" Hi everyone. parameters: "" Applicants who achieve less than a 245 RAI score and who meet the minimum high school course requirements may also be offered admission, but their applications will be reviewed on an individual basis. parameters: "" To calculate your unofficial Regent Admission Index score, complete the fields below. ", , message: "The score must be between 0 and 36. message: "This value must be a number. "core_courses": { } Use this to calculate your index, which is part of the admission requirements for Iowa high school students applying to Regent Universities. } ", The university consistently ranks highly among Midwest Master's universities. "core_courses": { message: "The composite score must be a whole number. message: "This value must be a number. Find the average SAT/ACT scores, acceptance rate, and your chances of getting in at ... Keep your GPA and Class Rank up to get the RAI score of 255 for out-of-state students and 245 for in-state students. Engineering Admission Requirements. Students from high schools in Iowa who plan to begin their studies at one of the three state schools must have a Regent Admission Index (RAI) score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school core courses to qualify for automatic admission to The University of Iowa, Iowa State and/or University of Northern Iowa. message: "This field is required. Have your scores sent to the University of Iowa, the score reporting number is … The estimated average SAT composite for admitted freshman is 1240 out of 1600. , Thread University of Iowa RAI Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 Because the pandemic continues to limit opportunities for students to take the ACT or SAT, Iowa State University will be test-optional for Fall 2021 freshman applicants. } Students who do not meet the minimum requirements will be considered on an individual basis. , Faculty who know you and want you to … "core_courses": { sat_rules = { ", (3 x ACT composite score) + (30 x high school GPA) ", University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0024 Phone: (319) 273-2700 ... (RAI) score of 290 or higher. } The school ranks #3 in Iowa for highest average SAT composite score. ", ", Students who achieve a score less than 245 will be … parameters: "(0" } parameters: "" "gpa": { } WRONG! (5 x Number of years of high school courses completed in the core subject areas), 11260 Aurora Avenue ... (RAI) score. "Number": { parameters: "" Based on the information provided, your unofficial index score is: Capital Construction Project Electronic Bidding, September 30, 2020 - Virtual Training Seminar, Education & Student Affairs Committee Agenda, 1.3 Conflict of Interest Policy – Duty of Loyalty, 3.2 Admission Requirements Common to the Three State Universities, 3.3 Consideration of Prior Misconduct in Admission, 3.7 Approval and Closing of New Centers and Institutes, 3.12 Extension/Continuing/ Distance education/e-Learning Services, 3.17 Iowa Coordinating Council for Post-High School Education Intra- and Intersector Cooperation, 3.18 Interinstitutional Cooperation/Research, 3.20 Notification of Students on Class Content, 3.21 English Language Proficiency (Oral Communication Competence), 4.6 Admission Requirements for the Special Schools, 4.8 Student Wellness Policy for the Special Schools, 4.9 Anti-Bullying/Harassment at the Special Schools, 4.10 Illegal Items at the Special Schools or in a Student’s Possession, 4.13 Comprehensive Campus Safety and Security Policy, Rising to the Next TIER Transparent, Inclusive Efficiency Review, Contact Board of Regents Transparency Officer, Iowa Coordinating Council for Post High School Education (ICCPHSE), Taxonomy of Academic Programs by Institution. I have a 3.13 GPA and received a 530 math, and 600 critical reading on my SAT.. All students entering the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences who wish to earn BA, BS, BFA, BLS, or BM degrees must complete the college's General Education Program in addition to the course work required for their specific major. "Required": { , , Let us know what you’re interested in to receive more information from the University of Iowa. + (30 x Cumulative GPA) "core_courses": { message: "This field is required. } parameters: "" The American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), or the equivalent is required for domestic student. ", "core_courses": { } } message: "The composite score must be a whole number. ", Freshmen applicants who achieve at least a 245 RAI score and who meet the minimum number of high school courses required by the Regent universities will qualify for automatic admission to any of the three Regent universities. The RAI is a combination of your ACT or SAT score, GPA and the number of … For Iowa residence, it needs to be a 245 to get in. ", Urbandale, IA 50322-7905. parameters: "" message: "Please select a test type. Admission to Iowa's Regent Universities: Regent Admission Index. ", "Integer": { Applicants who achieve at least a 245 RAI score and who meet the minimum high school course requirements are guaranteed admission. Regent Admission Index Calculator . message: "This field is required. }; Residents of other states must present an RAI score of 255 or higher. , parameters: "" message: "Please select a test type. "test_type": { Good to go right? It offers nearly 60 areas of study and is home to about 16,000 undergraduate students at Iowa. ", , RAI approved courses The RAI Core Course Lists provide each Iowa high school with a list of their respective courses that are accepted for the Regent Admission Index (RAI). parameters: "" parameters: "" "gpa_scale": { message: "This field is required. parameters: "" Completion of core courses is one of the three factors considered in the admission of freshmen to the Iowa … message: "This field is required. The correlation between the RAI-A and RAI-C was 0.547, and the correlations of the modified Frailty Index to the RAI-A and RAI-C were 0.301 and 0.269, respectively (all P < .001). At Iowa, you'll be part of a welcoming community of friends. } , From the college: The University of Iowa offers credit for more than 30 Advanced Placement (AP) Program exams. ", } ", ", This is the university's largest college. } ", I just did my RAI Score, and it was a 246. University of Iowa SAT Requirements. "gpa": { ", parameters: "" All rights reserved. To be accepted, Iowa residents need a minimum RAI score of 245. The Online RAI Calculator can compute this for you. } At a 2019 regents meeting, regents’ Associate Chief Academic Officer Jason Pontius said 6 percent of incoming freshmen had an RAI of less than 245 in the fall of 2018. You can earn 3 to 8 semester hours of credit per test, depending on the subject and your score. Graduates of approved Iowa high schools who have the subject-matter background required by Iowa State University and who achieve less than a 245 RAI score will be considered for admission on an individual basis. } ", Meet the Regent Admission Index (RAI) score equivalent of 265 or higher; . 2020 RAI Core Course List Admission of freshmen to the Iowa Regent universities is based on the Regent Admission Index (RAI) formula described below. Iowa resident students who achieve at least a 245 RAI score and who meet with minimum high school course requirements are automatically offered admission to any of the three Regent universities. } } ", , Applicants also must meet the minimum high school course requirements for the university they wish to enter. The University of Northern Iowa, UNI, is a public university located in northeast Iowa, just west of Cedar Falls. }; Regent Admission Index Calculator for high schools that do not provide rank, (3 x ACT composite score) Iowa high school graduates must achieve a Regent Admission Index (RAI) score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission as freshmen to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. , } "sat_total_score": { Applicants must submit a formal application for admission, together with a $40 application fee ($50 for international students), and have their high school provide an official transcript of their academic record, including credits and grades, rank in class, and certification of graduation. Undergraduate Areas of Study in Liberal Arts & Sciences. The index promises Iowans can attend the University of Iowa, Iowa State University or University of Northern Iowa as long as they achieve an RAI score of at least 245. Students planning to attend a public university in Iowa must have a Regent Admission Index (RAI) of at least 245 or higher and have completed the minimum number of required high school courses in order to be automatically admitted to Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Northern Iowa. University of Iowa is a Public, 4 Year college located in Iowa City, IA. , message: "This value must be a number. I do not live in Iowa so I would be considered an out of state applicant. Iowa State University, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa. Meet our Minimum High School Course Requirements. message: "This field is required. parameters: "(0" In addition, applicants must meet the minimum high school course requirements for the university they wish to enter. "gpa": { "test_type": { Find University of Iowa GPA Calculator and GPA; SAT scores; ACT scores and scholarship and financial aid data of current and past students. act_rules = { "act_composite": { To be eligible for direct admission into the College of Engineering as a first-year student, you must:. } message: "This value must be a number. Among undergraduates, business and education are the most popular areas of study. parameters: "" , message: "This value must be greater than 0. Students Applying to Multiple Iowa Public Universities. message: "This value must be a number. ", Check Your RAI If you are applying to Iowa State University, the University of Iowa or the University of Northern Iowa, you’ll need a Regent Admissions Index (RAI) of at least 245. } First-year students are eligible for direct admission into the College of Engineering if they meet the Iowa Board of Regents score of at least 265 on the Regent Admission Index (RAI), have a cumulative high school g.p.a. If a student is below the RAI score of 245, he said, university admissions will conduct a … message: "This field is required. To be admitted to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, you must: Iowa residents must present an RAI score of 245 or higher. } "gpa": { To calculate your unofficial Regent Admission Index score, complete the fields below. parameters: "[0,1600]" parameters: "[0,36]" } } } Iowa high school graduates must achieve a Regent Admission Index (RAI) score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission as freshmen to Iowa State University, the University of Northern Iowa, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa. 3.71 Unweighted GPA 3.89 Weighted GPA Top 23% Rank 24 ACT I know that Iowa uses the RAI for admission. The RAI score will be calculated for each applicant based upon the mathematical formula listed below: Regent admission Index Formula: ", ", + Applicants who achieve less than a 245 RAI score but meet the minimum high school course requirements will be considered for admission on an individual basis. Residents of other states need to score 255 or above to be competitive. , "gpa_scale": { parameters: "" I know that Iowa uses the RAI for admission the minimum high school students applying to Regent Universities of or. For Iowa high school students applying to Regent Universities test, depending on the school 's average score potential future! That Iowa uses the RAI for admission: Regent admission Index or the Scholastic Aptitude test ( ACT ) the. And art many schools say they university of iowa rai score no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there a... Iowa, you must: future leadership is made up of 8 different colleges and has programs. 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